A mission bigger than us.
At Honda, we know the true measure of a company isn’t just great products but the impact that the company has on society. From reducing our impact on the environment to the life-saving technology in our vehicles to our associates’ community service work, we’re committed to making a difference in ways that extend across North America.
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Supporting Hispanic Scholarship Fund S.T.E.M Students
Honda supports the Hispanic Scholarship Fund through its leadership summit and annual STEM Summit, engaging with students interested in pursuing a career in science, technology, engineering, and/or math.

Alabama associates in action
Honda volunteers fan out across central and east Alabama to donate their time to nonprofit groups and charities. Click here to learn more about what associates are doing to improve their communities.

Ohio associates in action
Honda has been a proud sponsor of Rebuilding Together Columbus, Ohio for the past 14 years, giving associates the opportunity to show their sense of community and charitable spirit. Click here to learn more about Ohio associates and their commitment to their communities.

Indiana associates in action
In Indiana, the Hands on Honda volunteer program builds on the philosophy that moving communities forward begins with one act of kindness. Click here to learn more about what Honda associates are doing in their communities.

The power of inclusion
Honda is committed to exceeding the expectations of our customers. We believe that we can only achieve a new level of innovation if everyone contributes their thoughts and ideas.

Blue Skies for Our Children
Honda engineers first expressed these words when they took on the challenge of meeting the stringent exhaust emissions standards of the 1970 U.S. Clean Air Act. Since then, our vision has led to countless innovations in sustainable mobility.

A second chance to succeed
Located in the mountains of Colorado, Eagle Rock School and Professional Development Center is a nationally recognized, tuition-free residential high school that offers a second chance to students who have not been able to succeed in a traditional high-school setting.

Giving back, giving recognition
Our non-profit partners do amazing and important things. Sometimes these life-changing initiatives can be overlooked in today’s hectic world. We want to make sure that doesn’t happen. That’s why we are showcasing them whenever we can.