We are proud to encourage diversity.
Sameness doesn’t work in a product line and it doesn’t work in a workforce. That’s why from the beginning, Honda has strived to bring people from different cultures, backgrounds, races, genders and sexual orientations together. It’s a commitment that hasn’t just created better diversity. It’s created a better Honda.
Six HBCU Marching Bands Selected to Perform in 2023 Honda Battle of the Bands
The votes are in and six marching bands have been selected to perform at the 2023 Honda Battle of the Bands (HBOB), the nation’s premier showcase for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) marching bands and dance teams.

HCASC Students Compete Virtually in 2022
Connected by their pursuit of knowledge and academic excellence, more than 300 students and coaches from 64 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) participated in the 33rd Honda Campus All-Star Challenge (HCASC), America’s premier academic competition between HBCU students virtually.

Our Perspectives – United in Pursuit of Equality: One Year Later
Honda’s values are grounded in human respect, and we stand with people everywhere united in the pursuit of racial equality and justice for all.

Supporting Hispanic Scholarship Fund S.T.E.M Students
Honda supports the Hispanic Scholarship Fund through its leadership summit and annual STEM Summit, engaging with students interested in pursuing a career in science, technology, engineering, and/or math.

Our legacy in action
Our support for inclusion and diversity initiatives spans across the United States. From the Collegiate Women’s Sports Awards in California to Honda Battle of the Bands in Georgia to the Hispanic Scholarship Breakfast events and support for educational initiatives, Honda seeks dynamic ways to make a difference in all the communities where our customers and associates live and work.

Our associates
The What Makes a Honda is Who Makes a Honda video series highlights associates throughout North America who embody Honda’s core values – challenging spirit, dreams, joy, passion, and respect – in their everyday lives.

Honda supports a variety of programs aimed at advancing education and creating experiences of discovery that help all young people – regardless of their culture, race and creed –achieve their dreams.

Photos, videos & more
Honda’s Corporate Social Responsibility resources provide insight and more detail on our efforts to improve communities, our products and the world.