Honda Associates Deliver Holiday Cheer
Giving to those in need is a big part of the holiday season for many Honda associates and this year was no exception.
The need was greater than ever due to the effects of the pandemic. The challenging spirt of Honda associates was on full display, as they got creative in order to maintain giving and donation programs for the season while observing COVID-19 safety protocols.
Read on to see what Honda associates did to make spirits brighter this season.
This month, American Honda provided several new opportunities for volunteers to give back during the holidays, bringing joy to children, families and older adults. A total of 166 volunteers participated in programs from long-time Honda partner the Salvation Army, including the Angel Tree and Adopt-a-Family programs offered through the nonprofit organizations. Volunteers participating in these programs were provided information about family gift wish-lists and clothing sizes, so that volunteers could purchase gifts and gift cards to major grocery chains for families in need of a holiday meal. Volunteers sponsored a total of 54 families and 232 children.
In addition, Honda partnered with nonprofit Love for Our Elders to write cards to elderly adults in senior living facilities. Those who participated wrote a total of more than 1,300 cards that will be distributed to brighten the days of those who may be more isolated than usual due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Associates at Honda Canada (HC) held a robust campaign this year called, “Holiday Hugs, Giving Back for the Holidays,” serving multiple needs in their local community.
HC associates donated toys for the annual CHUM Christmas Wish Toy Drive, in addition to providing a $10,000 grant from the Honda Canada Foundation to the organization. Associates also participated in a socially-distanced food drive with the Markham Food Bank, wrote holiday greeting cards to seniors, held a pet supply drive for the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA), sponsored families in need through Holiday Helpers and collected baby items for new moms in need through Mooreland’s Kids, a Toronto children’s charity that works with kids from low-income communities.
Honda Canada Mfg. (HCM) held a virtual Christmas party for kids; each kid received a special package delivered to their home. In addition, associates held an annual greeting card contest, with the cards donated to long-term care homes. In addition, associates held a food drive, “adopted” families in need and held a hat, scarf and mitten drive.
Associates at the Honda Aircraft Company, LLC (HACI) participated in a number of charitable activities including Bikes for Tykes, an organization that give bicycles to kids in need.
Honda associates adopted over 200 families in Ohio for the holidays through Care Train of Union County. To ensure COVID-19 safety, associates organized a no-contact distribution of gifts, in which the recipients came to the Honda Heritage Center in Marysville, and the items were delivered directly into the trunks of their vehicles.
The gifts included bikes, games, dolls, warm clothing and other items, ensuring that hundreds of local children have a happy holiday.
Honda of America Mfg. associates also volunteered at Our Daily Bread food pantry in Bellefontaine, Ohio. They packaged approximately 450 holiday food boxes, which will be distributed to local families.
Honda R&D Associates in North Carolina and Florida delivered some holiday cheer to four families (including 13 children!) and a senior in need. Associates started preparing back in November, providing a “registry” that families could order from, and then associates shopped for groceries and gifts.
Honda Manufacturing of Alabama (HMA) associates and their families worked together to provide holiday cheer for children all over the world. Instead of the annual on-site Operation Christmas Child (OCC) event, HMA associates volunteered to fill shoeboxes “gift boxes” at home with their families and return the filled boxes to HMA.
More than 112 associates and family members filled 350 shoeboxeswith sewing kits, crayons, coloring books, toothbrushes and other fun goodies. These filled boxes were delivered to Hepzibah Baptist Church in Talladega, who will ship the boxes to an OCC processing center in Atlanta for international distribution.
In addition to the shoeboxes, toys and food filled the collection bins this year for the 2020 HMA Toy and Food Drive. Altogether, associates donated 10,325 items for the annual HMA holiday collection – the most toys ever in HMA’s 18-year Toy & Food Drive history!
Honda associates brought in armfuls of games, dolls, bicycles and food items to be distributed to non-profit agencies in HMA’s five surrounding counties.
“I am so proud of our associates,” said Allyson Edwards, Business Division Manager. “Because the generosity of our associates, this holiday season will be brighter for many families in need within our local community.”
Honda Manufacturing of Indiana (HMIN) associates donated 150 toys for students attending the after-school program at Shepherd Community Center (SCC) in Indianapolis. Gabe Short, community outreach director at SCC, picked up the donations and shared that the need has increased this year from 800 students to about 1,200 kids. HMIN’s toy donations will be part of gift boxes that students will receive December 21-23.
As part of HMIN’s holiday decorations, the plant typically purchases poinsettias from the Decatur County YMCA and then donates them to nursing homes in Greensburg before winter shutdown. This year, HMIN donated 67 poinsettias to three nursing homes. In addition, HMIN donated $1,000 to the Decatur County Cheer Fund to purchase gift cards for families in need.
Associates at Honda South Carolina gave through the Angel Tree toy donation program.
Honda Trading Americas picks a new charitable organization to support each year and this year, they supported The Hope Center in Marysville, Ohio, which helps families with their basic needs. Associates donated money for turkeys and to-go containers, as well as board games, arts and craft kits, toys, sports equipment and clothing.
Associates from the Quality New Model Parts team said the project gave them such a good feeling to be able to give to those struggling during these crazy times, hopefully making some kids have a better holiday.
Associates at Honda Transmission Manufacturing (HTM) got in the spirt this year in a number of ways, including several projects led by Business Resource Groups. The African American Resource Collaborative of Honda (AARCH) BRG partnered with WOCAP (West Ohio Community Action Partnership) to sponsor 15 families, with additional contributions coming from other BRGss. AARCH also provided 10 families at Freedom Elementary School in Lima, Ohio with Thanksgiving dinner in November.
”We are so excited to have your organization as a partner, your enthusiasm and joy shows, and I know that each participant must feel that,” said Kendra Roxo LIMA-WOCAP.
In addition, HTM associates adopted 10 students in the Indian Lake High School multiple disabilities classroom, providing items on the students’ wish lists, including coats, shoes, toys, games and bedding. HTM also held a “SEATs and FEETs” volunteer collection drive for new socks and packages of underwear to distribute to local school children.
Associates also decorated 23 beautiful trees that have spread holiday cheer at shift change. These trees will be donated to Our Daily Bread in Bellefontaine, Ohio.
Associates at the Honda Precision Parts of Georgia inTallapoosa did a number of volunteer activities to make spirits bright, including volunteering to serve meals at the Christian Community Council food pantry.
Giving is the reason for the season!