Honda Groups Promote Culture of Hispanic and Latino Associates

As part of Honda’s celebration of Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month, the company’s Latino Dreams in Action (LDIA) Business Resource Groups (BRGs) have shared Latino culture with fellow associates at Honda

LDIA, along with other associate-led BRGs, was formed to give a voice to underrepresented viewpoints and ultimately enhance Honda’s competitive positioning in the market. Kevin Kuhn, current chair for LDIA at Honda Manufacturing of Indiana (HMIN), said that part of their mission is to share Latino culture with Honda and provide a different perspective on how to achieve both individual and company goals.

“I believe that LDIA is beneficial to the associates at HMIN is because of the diversity of thought and background that we bring to the company,” he said. “Latino cultures are very proud and passionate people that strive to improve not only ourselves but the community around us.”

Hispanic & Latino Heritage Month also is an opportunity for LDIA BRGs to share their pride in their heritage with fellow associates. Past events at HMIN have included hosting a soccer tournament for the entire plant and sharing foods from various Hispanic and Latin countries to teach associates about their cultures. While this year has been a little tougher due to social distancing requirements, Kuhn said his BRG leadership team has shifted its focus to educating plant associates about famous historical figures from various countries and providing virtual opportunities for their 150 active members to stay engaged during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ender Rodriguez, former chair for Honda Manufacturing of Alabama’s (HMA) LDIA chapter, emphasized that LDIA and other BRGs are inclusive of all associates, regardless of whether or not they are part of the underrepresented group.

Rodriguez also shared that community involvement is a big focus for the BRG. Typically, LDIA members from HMA attend local soccer games and Fiesta Birmingham, an event to celebrate Hispanic culture and heritage, to provide more visibility to the Honda brand and share information with attendees who are interested in working at Honda.

Rodriguez, who was born in Venezuela, said that despite not being able to hold traditional in-person BRG events, he likes to find opportunity in difficult situations. “Being part of a BRG leadership team not only gets your name out there, but gives you the tools to step up and grow as an associate.” 

Honda R&D Americas (HRA) has an LDIA BRG as well and has been celebrating Hispanic & Latino Heritage Month by providing weekly newsletters with recipes, playlists, crafts and interesting facts from various Hispanic countries. HRA’s chapter also has a strong partnership with The Ohio State University’s Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers chapter, working with them throughout the year.

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