Honda Associate Follows Her Passion for the Ocean

From a young age, Raminta Jautokas has had a deep love for the ocean and a passion for cars. These interests led her to the role of corporate sustainability manager at Honda, where she strives to help Honda minimize its environmental footprint by recommending ways to reduce carbon emissions, while helping lead the Honda Marine Science Foundation. Her position enables her to address climate change in a way that helps people both understand the urgency and how to take action.

“Honda cares about the products we make and also really wants associates to be good citizens,” said Jautokas. “At Honda, we are focused on improving the environment and addressing the changes that are coming in the future.” Jautokas has been able to express her passion for the ocean through her work with the Honda Marine Science Foundation, which helps to restore marine ecosystems and facilitate climate change resilience. For her, this was truly an example of Honda’s belief in The Power of Dreams.

Over her lifetime, Jautokas says she has witnessed the negative impact that pollution and climate change has had on the ocean. “The ocean covers so much of the earth and it is something we would like to help improve through the Honda Marine Science Foundation,” said Jautokas.

“My hope is that the work we are doing now will help future generations enjoy the same things that I have enjoyed.”

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