Honda Supports Local Community Through Bike Trail Development

In 1997, a group of 17 people organized the Simon Kenton Pathfinders (SKP) to form a shared-use bike trail in Champaign County, Ohio. It follows an abandoned railroad line once considered a dumping grounds full of old tires, bags of trash and a place for homeless people to reside. When clean-up began, 80 tons of trash was removed.

Over time, the group has grown from 17 to 250 strong, working to raise funds, obtain grants and purchase property, including the old Pennsylvania Railroad Station known as the depot. In 2007, the Depot opened to the public as a rest area, and SKP leased space to the Depot Coffeehouse.

Organizers say the trail’s development has changed the dynamics of the community and has helped attract more business and families to the area. It’s become a destination spot for recreation.

All maintenance work on the trail is done by volunteers and is paid for through donations and grants, including from the Honda of America Foundation. Click here to see what a small group of dedicated citizens can achieve.

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